Please Be Reminded (Email Samples)

In our professional lives, email communication has become vital for getting things done. With so many tasks and deadlines, it’s common to lose track of what needs to be done.

One common way to politely remind someone is by using the phrase “please be reminded.”

In this article, we will explore how to use “please be reminded” effectively in email communication, providing you with ten practical examples and alternative phrases to ensure your message is clear and concise.

How to Use “Please Be Reminded” in an Email

When you need to remind someone of a deadline, a task, or an event, “please be reminded” can be a polite and effective way to do so.

This phrase is particularly useful when you want to address your recipient respectfully, especially in a professional context.

However, it’s essential to use “please be reminded” sparingly, as overuse may come across as nagging or impolite.

In the next section, we will share ten practical examples of how to use “please be reminded” in various situations.

After that, we’ll discuss some alternative phrases that can help convey the same message without sounding repetitive.

“Please Be Reminded” Email Examples

Example 1 – Subject: Reminder: Project Submission Deadline Approaching

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded that the deadline for submitting your project report is [date]. We would appreciate it if you could ensure that all necessary documents are submitted by the deadline. If you need any assistance or have questions, feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 2 – Subject: Meeting Reminder: Team Review on [date]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded of our scheduled team review meeting on [date] at [time] in [location]. Kindly review the attached agenda and be prepared to discuss any updates or concerns.


[Your Name]

Example 3 – Subject: Outstanding Invoice Reminder: Invoice #[number]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded that the payment for Invoice #[number] is now overdue. We kindly request that you make the payment as soon as possible to avoid any late fees.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 4 – Subject: RSVP Reminder: Office Party on [date]

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded to RSVP for the upcoming office party on [date] by [deadline]. Your prompt response will help us make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Example 5 – Subject: Training Session Reminder: [Training Topic] on [date]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded of the upcoming training session on [topic] scheduled for [date] at [time]. Ensure that you have completed the pre-training materials beforehand.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Example 6 – Subject: Equipment Return Reminder: Due on [date]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded to return the borrowed equipment (itemize equipment) to the [department/location] by [date] to avoid any penalties.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Example 7 – Subject: Performance Review Reminder: [date]

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded of your performance review scheduled on [date]. Be sure to bring any necessary documents or materials for the discussion.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 8 – Subject: Maintenance Appointment Reminder: [date]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded of your maintenance appointment on [date] at [time]. Our technician will be arriving within the allotted time frame.


[Your Name]

Example 9 – Subject: Document Submission Reminder: Due by [date]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded to submit the required documents (list documents) to [department/email] by [date]. Failure to do so may result in delays or complications.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 10 – Subject: Conference Call Reminder: [date] at [time]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please be reminded of our conference call on [date] at [time]. The call-in details have been provided in the previous email. Be prepared to discuss the outlined topics.


[Your Name]

Alternative Ways to Say “Please Be Reminded” in an Email

While “please be reminded” is a polite and effective way to remind someone, it’s useful to have alternative phrases at your disposal.

This not only helps you avoid sounding repetitive but also allows you to choose the most suitable option based on the context.

Here are a few alternatives to consider:

  • “Just a friendly reminder”
  • “Kindly note”
  • “Please don’t forget”
  • “I wanted to remind you”
  • “As a reminder”

These phrases, like “please be reminded,” can be used to convey the same message while ensuring your email communication remains fresh and professional.

In professional email communication, it’s important to maintain a polite and respectful tone, especially when reminding someone of a task, deadline, or event.

By using the phrase “please be reminded” and the provided examples, you can effectively and politely convey your message without coming across as nagging or impolite.

Additionally, having alternative phrases at your disposal ensures that your email communication remains engaging and versatile.



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