I Will Follow Up With You (Email Samples)

At times, we find ourselves in situations where we need to follow up with someone through email.

It could be after a meeting, a job application, or a discussion that requires further action.

Using the phrase “I will follow up with you” is a professional and polite way to ensure that the recipient knows you intend to take further steps in the matter.

In this article, we will discuss how to use “I will follow up with you” in an email, provide 10 examples to help you craft your message, and suggest alternative ways to express the same idea.

How to Use “I Will Follow Up With You” in an Email

When using the phrase “I will follow up with you” in an email, it’s crucial to consider the context and timing.

This phrase is best used when you need to gather more information, confirm details, or ensure that the recipient has taken action.

In the next section, we will share 10 examples of how to use the phrase effectively in various scenarios.

Following that, we will explore alternative ways to convey the same message.

“I Will Follow Up With You” Email Samples

Example 1 – Subject: Meeting Recap and Next Steps

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Thank you for the productive meeting yesterday. As discussed, I will follow up with you next week to confirm the details of our next session. In the meantime, please review the attached documents.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 2 – Subject: Job Application Status

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I applied for the [job position] two weeks ago and wanted to follow up on my application. If you need any additional information, please let me know. I will follow up with you in a week to check on the status.


[Your Name]

Example 3 – Subject: Request for Information

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you had a chance to review my previous email regarding [subject]. I understand you might be busy, but I still require the information to proceed. I will follow up with you in a couple of days if I don’t hear back.


[Your Name]

Example 4 – Subject: Project Deadline Reminder

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As a friendly reminder, the deadline for [project/task] is approaching on [date]. Please ensure that your part is completed on time. I will follow up with you early next week to check on your progress.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Example 5 – Subject: Event RSVP

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

We are finalizing the guest list for our upcoming event on [date]. Please let us know if you plan to attend. I will follow up with you by the end of the week to confirm your attendance.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Example 6 – Subject: Document Review Request

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I have attached the [document name] for your review. Please provide your feedback by [date]. I will follow up with you next week to discuss any revisions or concerns.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Example 7 – Subject: Payment Reminder

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. According to our records, the payment for invoice #[invoice number] is overdue. Please let us know the status of the payment. I will follow up with you in a few days to confirm the transaction.


[Your Name]

Example 8 – Subject: Vendor Quote Request

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am reaching out to request a quote for [product/service]. Please provide the pricing and availability information at your earliest convenience. I will follow up with you early next week if I don’t hear back by then.


[Your Name]

Example 9 – Subject: Technical Support Issue

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

Thank you for your assistance with the [issue]. I will try the suggested steps and let you know if the problem is resolved. I will follow up with you in a few days if I continue to experience difficulties.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 10 – Subject: Introduction and Collaboration Inquiry

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

[Mutual contact] mentioned that you and I might have some synergies in our work. I would love to explore potential collaboration opportunities. Please let me know when you might be available for a call. I will follow up with you next week to schedule a convenient time.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Alternative Ways to Say “I Will Follow Up With You” in an Email

Sometimes, you may want to use a different phrase to express the same idea as “I will follow up with you.”

In this section, we will introduce some alternative ways to convey your intention to follow up in an email:

  • “I’ll check back with you on [date/time].”
  • “I’ll touch base with you in [time frame].”
  • “I’ll circle back to you next week.”
  • “I’ll reconnect with you after [event].”
  • “I’ll get back to you by [date].”

By using these alternatives, you can maintain a professional and polite tone in your emails while effectively communicating your intention to follow up on the matter at hand.




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We create real email examples for the phrases you use every day.